Creative Commons License

Please note that not all content on the site is original. We do our best to cite images and ideas that are not our own.

All original content (such as blog posts and syllabus materials) on Hello World Civ falls under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial 4.0 International License. The full deed and license are available via the links above, but here’s a summary of what the license means:

  • You are free to share material from this website.
  • You are free to mashup, adapt, rework, and expand on material from this website.
  • You may not use original material on the site for commercial purposes.
  • We ask that you acknowledge when you use our material and how it has been changed in the process.
  • We ask that you “share alike” –  content adapted or shared from our site should also be fully adaptable and shareable.

Any form of intentional attribution/citation is welcome. If you would like a clear and easy way to note that you’re distributing or transforming material from our blog, you can use the following example as a template.

Author, “Hyperlinked Post Title,” Hello World Civ, Date, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.